The Health Benefits of Soaking in the Beauty of Nature

In 1865 Frederick Law Olmstead, one of the co-architects of Central Park, addressed the connection of nature and overall well being. Stating, "it is a scientific fact that the contemplation of natural scenes is favorable to the health and vigor of people and especially to the health and vigor of their intellect beyond any other conditions that can be offered them." This was 1865!!!!! Urbanization is increasing while exposure to nature is decreasing. Scientists all over the world are now showing data and research that nature deficit disorder is having a detrimental effect on mental health and well being. The conscious interaction with nature is very different from the way we are actually spending time outdoors. We are spending 90% of our time indoors. Hopefully this short list below of health benefits will help get a small nudge to enjoy the splendor and beauty that is alL around us.

1. Boost Immune System
2. Reduces Stress
3. Boosts Creativity
4. Lowers Blood Pressure
5. Lowers Pulse Rate