What If You Thought About Your Space as a Living Organism?
Ocean Grove Tent
How do you FEEL in the places and spaces that you visit and reside in? Do you feel nourished or depleted? Our spaces can do that, they have the ability to make us well or unwell. What if you thought of these spaces as living organisms, an extension of who we are. Would you treat them or look at them differently as it pertains to your health? I love my time in my tent, as I know it is limited but it makes me feel fully alive being here. I love experiencing the ebb and flow of the breezes on the canvas. I can hear the rustling of the leaves in the trees around me, I can smell the ocean breeze, and I absolutely love the sounds of rain on the tent. I can smell the dirt when rain first hits the ground. I feel so fully alive in this space, a real connection to the world around me. So wherever you might be, don’t forget the impact that nature has on our bodies and brains.
Biophilic design is powerful in our daily lives and can make us feel so well. Have you considered more nature in your home? Are you looking for more direction on how to take the first step? Look no further, we can help.