Walk with Walsh at Serenbe with Kari Pei


On this episode I learn so much from Interface VP of Product Design, Kari Pei. She discusses the importance of biophilia in every day spaces.

I couldn’t wait to hear all that Kari was about to share with us on this walk. I have known of Kari and her brilliant work for quite some time. I new that she was a passionate innovator and creator of textiles but listening to her speak made me understand her heart.

She opens up my eyes and my ears when it comes to the impact that sound has on our bodies every day and what it mean to have nature woven into indoor spaces. I deeply understand all that she is speaking of as it resonated deeply for me. When I founded my first business, my stores were made with biophilia built in but I had no idea 2 years ago that there was a name for what I was feeling or why I wanted my own stores and home to reflect something that I was innately drawn to. I know so much more now.

Kari splits her time living in Serenbe and NYC when she is not traveling the world seeking inspiration from nature around the globe. This was such an informative walk and I hope it was for you as well.

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